If it's time to replace your old furnace with a new, powerful, energy efficient system, we recommend choosing Lennox, and you're about to find out exactly why.
How do I know if it’s time to replace my furnace?
Ask yourself these questions to determine if it’s time to replace your furnace. If you answer yes to one or several, it probably is time (or it’s getting close).
- Is it over 15 years old?
- Does it need to be repaired frequently?
- Does it cycle on an off more often than it should?
- Does your home heat or cool unevenly?
- Do you have poor indoor air quality inside your home?
- Is your system louder than it should be?
- Are your energy bills higher than they used to be?
- Do you have humidity problems in your home?
Why should I choose a Lennox furnace?
Lennox offers both gas and oil furnaces for homeowners. Each type of furnace is designed to deliver precise comfort, keeping your home within 0.5 degrees of your ideal temperature.
Energy Efficient
Lennox furnaces are some of the most efficient in the industry—with energy ratings up to 98.7% AFUE (for some gas furnaces).
AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) is the ratio of heat output compared to the total fossil fuel energy annually consumed by a furnace. High efficiency systems typically fall within the 90–98.5% range.
Lennox furnaces are also equipped with SilentComfort technology, which minimizes noise during startup and while the system is running to keep your home quiet and peaceful.
Tax Credits & Rebates
If you choose an Energy Star-certified furnace, you may qualify for federal energy tax credits and local utility rebates.
What is Lennox Precise Comfort Technology?
A typical, single-stage furnace has only one speed. It's either pumping out heat at maximum air speed, or it's waiting until your home cools down enough to start up again. Conventional furnaces constantly move the temperature up and down to keep your home comfortable.
With Precise Comfort Technology, a Lennox furnace can adjust its heat output, ranging anywhere from 35–100% of its maximum capacity. Instead of waiting until the temperature lowers, the furnace can more consistently keep an even, warm temperature in your home.
If your home only requires a small amount of heat to maintain the desired temperature, the furnace will use a smaller flame to gently circulate the air. If more heat is needed, such as on a bitterly cold winter night, the furnace will respond by producing a hotter, larger flame and distribute the air at a higher speed.
This technology isn’t only useful for the cold seasons but warmer seasons as well. Airflow starts slowly, drawing more moisture out of humid air before the cool air is circulated throughout your home.
We are a Lennox Premier Dealer, which means we’re trained to deliver superior comfort to your home and service to you. We’re regularly evaluated and continuously educated to ensure that we hold to Lennox’s high standards.
If you need home heating or HVAC installation services in or around Aspen or Carbondale, contact us today! We would love to work with you and help make your home more comfortable for you and your family.