You plan for regular care on everything from your car to your teeth; don’t overlook your house! Unlike the inside of your home, exterior features undergo substantial wear and tear from the elements. From tumultuous spring storms and blazing sunny days to substantial fall rains and heavy snow and ice, your home’s exterior sees it all. For this reason, it’s important to conduct regular exterior maintenance on your home. Check out how doing so can help keep your home beautiful and functional for many years to come.
Imagine if you went years without ever washing your car or brushing your teeth. How long would it take for their exteriors to wear out? The answer is far less than it would if you cared for them! The same goes for the exterior of your home. Roofing, siding, and gutters can all benefit from regular maintenance, and they’ll last far longer as a result.
If left unchecked, various issues with your siding, roofing, and gutters can lead to high repair bills or even higher replacement costs. Neglecting the exterior of your home will almost always eventually result in serious damage. For example, a simple missing shingle—a problem that could easily be identified and replaced with regular maintenance—can lead to water damage inside your home if left unnoticed. Exterior maintenance stops potential damage at its source.
Exterior maintenance allows you to stop the progression of existing problems. For example, if you regularly inspect and repair your home’s siding, you’re likely to notice if there is mold or wood rot developing under the surface. If you skip regular maintenance, that problem will continue to worsen and require a far more intensive repair.
Especially crucial during the winter months, regular maintenance means keeping your gutters cleaned, repaired, and working properly. Failing to maintain your gutters can result in damage to siding, foundation, or the gutter system itself. Non-functioning gutters can also be a safety hazard for you and your family as the winter months yield high amounts of precipitation.
Regular maintenance on your home’s exterior can help to maintain its energy efficiency. Maintenance will help you identify problem areas in the roof, siding, and windows, which may be hindering your efforts to heat your home efficiently. Identifying, repairing, and replacing problematic features on your home’s exterior is what regular maintenance is all about. In doing so, you’ll decrease your energy bill and help keep your home cozy this winter.
If you need exterior home services, contact Pacific. For 50 years, our team of experts has served the Roaring Fork Valley with superior service and exceptional value. From gutters to roofing, plumbing to electrical, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today to learn more about our complete list of services.